Short-Term Forecasting of Wind Power Workshop
Workshop Video Day 1
Program of the first day (time in brackets are the times in the video):
09:00 Arrival and registration
09:30 (1:24) Introduction
Workshop goals
(15:32) Introductions
10:00 (37:45) Where are we with very short-term forecasting?
- David Schlipf, Uni Stuttgart: Introduction to Task 32; Presentation of State of the art lidar applications
- (52:40) Gregor Giebel, DTU: Introduction to Task 36; Presentation of state of the art forecasting techniques and overview of different forecasting horizons. What are the gaps that need to be filled in the short/very-short term region?
11:00 Break
11:15 (1:39:00) What is the target forecasting time and parameter?
Plenum discussion and viewpoints from different stakeholders; definition of short-term forecasting horizon, on which factors does it depend?
12:00 Experiences with very short-term forecasting Part 1 SCADA Data
Presentation of different stakeholders - (2:27:40) Ciaran Gilbert, Uni Strathclyde, Pierre Pinson, Jakob Messner, DTU Elektro: Very high resolution forecasts using a nested LES system
- (2:54:45) Christopher Bay, NREL: Wind direction consensus and forecasting for improved wind farm operation
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Experiences with very short-term forecasting Part 1 SCADA Data
Presentation of different stakeholders: - (3:59:07) Harley Mackenzie, HARD Software Australia: Short term forecasting of wind power plant generation for system stability and provision of ancillary services
- (4:39:20) Bahri Uzunoglu, Uppsala University: Maximum likelihood ensemble filter SCADA data assimilation for wind farms for very short-term forecasting
14:15 Experiences with very short-term forecasting Part 2 Lidar & Radar - (5:00:35) Anamaria Sirghie, Jesper Thiesen and Mikkel Hansen, ConWX: Lidar based short term forecast for offshore wind
- (5:15:45) John Zack, AWS Truepower: Intra-hour wind ramp forecasting in Hawaii using scanning lidar
15:00 Break
15:30 Experiences with very short-term forecasting Part 2 Lidar & Radar - (6:28:20) Corinna Mohrlen, WEPROG, Can Lidars replace met masts in real-time system operation: results from a study for the Irish TSOs
- (6:54:08) Laura Valldecabres, Uni Oldenburg: Very short-term probabilistic forecast of offshore wind power using dual-Doppler radar
- (7:13:20) Elliot Simon, DTU Wind Energy: A machine learning approach for intra-hour wind speed forecasting using scanning lidar inflow measurements
- (7:42:20) Alexandre Costa, Gabriel Dantas and Valentin Perruci, UFPE Brazil: An operational forecasting tool using different approaches – results from the HPC4E EU project and the EOLIPREV Brazilian project
17:30 (8:09:45) Conclusions of the day
17:35 End of Day 1
Workshop Video Day 2
Program for day 2 (times in the stream are in brackets):
09:00 (00:45) Welcome and recap of Day 1
09:15 Looking over the horizon: Experiences with remote sensing devices
- (04:35)Thomas Schmidt, DLR, Short term solar forecasting from sky imaging, up to 30 min
- (36:56) Ines Würth, Uni Stuttgart, How far can we see? Analysis of the measurement range of long-range lidar data for short-term forecasting
10:00 World Cafe: What are the barriers and what are possible solutions
Splitting into different working groups decided during the plenum discussion, e.g. - SCADA data
- Lidar
- Radar
Discussions taking into account different forecasting horizons
10:30 Break
10:45 (1:05:10) World Cafe: What are the barriers and what are possible solutions
11:15 (2:34:02) Presentation of the results from each group and discussion
12:00 (2:57:40) Summary of the workshop and formulation of next steps
12:30 End of workshop