Wind Energy in China

Wind Energy in China

Wind Energy in China by China Wind Energy Association Guiyong Yu, China wind energy association Offshore wind in China Dr. Liu YongqianProfessor, Head, School of Renewable EnergyState Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy SourcesNorth China Electric Power University, Beijing, China Wind Energy in China by Goldwind Wu Gang, Chairman Goldwind

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Wind Power Predictions and Gaps in Forecasting Research Workshop

Workshop Video 09:00-11:00: State of the Art and planned improvements State of the Art and planned improvements for NWP Helmut Frank (DWD), Malte Mülller (, Clive Wilson (UKMO) Wind Generation Forecasting at REE ame> Ana Rodriguez, Red Electrica de España 11:30-13:00: Industry experience Challenges of integrating Wind from a TSO Perspective Melih Kurt, Tennet Bayreuth…


The UVIG Forecasting Workshop 2017

Applications and Value of Uncertainty Forecasts Findings from the EIRGRID Met Mast and Alternatives Study IEA Wind Task 36: Wind Energy Forecasting Meteorological Data Collection: Results from Eirgrid’s Met Mast and Alternatives Study Use of Probabilistic Forecasting Tools in Energy Trading Wind and Solar Forecasting Trials: Do’s and Don’ts, Part 1 Best practices Tiffany Maupin,…

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Wind Forecasting Workshop 2022: State of Art and Research Gaps

Workshop Video Jumpmarks to the individual talks:0:00:00. Session host: Gregor Giebel, DTUWelcome and Keynotes: The power system of Ireland is standing as a prime example of the challenges encountered in the energy transition: high shares of renewables, low transmission capacities elsewhere, and growing demand for transport and heat to come from electricity. 0:00:15 Gregor Giebel,…

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Forecasting Workshop at the University of Stratylide

Workshop Video Agenda 04:55 Welcome and Introduction – Gregor Giebel (DTU) & Jethro Browell (Strathclyde) [bad sound, sorry] 15:45 Presentation: Leveraging turbine-level data for improved forecast performance – Jethro Browell (Strathclyde) 46:15 Presentation: IEA Wind Recommended Practice on Renewable Energy Forecast Solution Selection – John Zack (AWS Truepower) 1:45:09 Presentation: Definitely Uncertain – Wind Power…


Wind conditions modelling

Evaluation of four numerical wind flow models for wind resource mapping Michael Brower, Chief Technical Officer, AWS Truepower, USA Visualising Forest Edge Effects Ralph Torr, Senior Consultant, Analysis & Measurement, SgurrEnergy Ltd, UK Stability classification for CFD simulations in complex terrains Wind conditions based on a one-way coupling between a mesoscale and microscale model José…


Mesoscale models for resource assessment, on reducing uncertainties

The use of reanalysis for the wind energy community Paul Poli, Reanalysis Project (ERA), ECMWF – European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, UK 10-years reanalysis downscaling at a 3km grid in the North Sea area Idar Barstad, Researcher, Uni Computing Department, Uni Research Ltd, Norway Some guidelines to infer and assess wind climate variability uncertainty…


Advanced Modelling

Microscale and forestry modelling over complex terrain: current best practice and challenges Atmospheric Stability in Wind Resource Key findings from a field campaign measuring canopy air flow over complex terrain Rosey Grant Meso/Microscale atmospheric model integration: benefits to the wind power community and associated challenges Line Gulstad, Manager, Global Flow Solutions, Wind & Site Competence…

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Short-Term Forecasting of Wind Power Workshop

Workshop Video Day 1 Program of the first day (time in brackets are the times in the video):09:00 Arrival and registration09:30 (1:24) IntroductionWorkshop goals(15:32) Introductions10:00 (37:45) Where are we with very short-term forecasting? Workshop Video Day 2 Program for day 2 (times in the stream are in brackets):09:00 (00:45) Welcome and recap of Day 109:15…