Wind Energy in Ukraine

Slides for Wind Energy in Ukraine

Video for Wind Energy in Ukraine

Andriy Konechenkov, Chairman of the Board UWEA
Andriy Konechenkov, Chairman of the Board UWEA
Evaluation of four numerical wind flow models for wind resource mapping Michael Brower, Chief Technical Officer, AWS Truepower, USA Visualising Forest Edge Effects Ralph Torr, Senior Consultant, Analysis & Measurement, SgurrEnergy Ltd, UK Stability classification for CFD simulations in complex terrains Wind conditions based on a one-way coupling between a mesoscale and microscale model José…
Slides for Wind Energy in Morocco Video for Wind Energy in Morocco
Wake Effects Leo Enrico Jensen, Senior Manager, Chief Specialist, Wind Power Technology, DONG Energy, Denmark What have we learned about understanding and modelling wake effects from the WakeBench project Validating a wake model for onshore wind farms Søren Ott, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy, Denmark