High-Performance Computing in Wind Energy Part 1
High-performance computing of wind turbine tip-vortex instability

Ardeshir Hanifi, Researcher at KTH – Royal Institute Of Technology
Blade-resolved and actuator line CFD simulations of the flow through the NREL 5 MW wind turbine

Bruno Carmo, Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo
Optimising CFD I/O through on-node non-volatile memory

Adrian Jackson, Senior Research Fellow at EPCC
Actuator Line Modeling in Large Eddy Simulations

Richard Stevens, Associate Professor at University of Twente
LES Simulations of Wind Turbines in a Turbulent Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Flavio Galeazzo, Research Scientist | HLRS – High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart
Near-wake resolving FSI of wind turbine blade using high-fidelity simulation

Mohsen Lahooti, Lecturer (Assistant Professor) In Fluid-Structure Interaction, School of Engineering, Newcastle University
HPC developments in Alya for Wind Energy Applications

Herbert Owen, Senior researcher at Barcelona Supercomputing Center
A seamless avenue to drive wind resource time series modeling: the MPAS model and the mesoscale reframed

Marta Gil Bardají, R&D Director at VORTEX
Latest developments in Mesoscale to microscale model chain for wind resource assessment: The importance of HPC

Jake Badger, Head of Section, Wind Resource Assessment Modelling at DTU Wind Energy
A hybrid solution for wind resource assessment – predict offshore wind from limited onshore measurements

Xuerui Mao, University of Nottingham
Downscaling with the WRAPP methodology: clustering of meteorological situations and microscale CFD modeling
Eric Joos, Clementine le Guennic, EdF R&D