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New york’s Offshore Wind Innovation Hub Selects Six Companies for Accelerator Program

The Offshore Wind Innovation Hub has announced the selection of six companies for its 2024 accelerator program, which aims to support the development of innovative solutions for the offshore wind industry. The selected companies are Boxkite Software, Claviate, Indeximate, Pliant Energy Systems, Sensatek, and Triton Anchor. They will participate in a six-month mentoring and business development program, gaining access to industry expertise, mentorship, and resources to help them commercialize their solutions.


The Offshore Wind Innovation Hub is a collaboration between Equinor, Urban Future Lab at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, and the National Offshore Wind R&D Consortium (NOWRDC), supported by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC). The program focuses on innovations that can improve the project economics of US offshore wind, with an emphasis on economic impact, scalability, market traction, and potential local impact.

The selected companies offer a range of innovative solutions, including bankable-level accuracy energy yield assessments, visual data platforms for construction management, fibre optic sensing for predictive maintenance, autonomous underwater vehicles for seafloor surveying, structural health monitoring of turbine blades, and low-cost foundation installation systems.

The program aims to support the growth of the offshore wind industry in New York and beyond, advancing the state’s climate and clean energy goals. The Offshore Wind Innovation Hub’s mission is to advance an inclusive supply chain and accelerate a green economy, and this cohort selection marks a significant milestone in achieving that mission.

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