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Plans for Orsted Wind Farm in Ireland Rejected Over Golden Eagle Concerns

Plans to build a significant wind farm in Ireland, capable of generating up to 137 MW of renewable energy, have been halted due to environmental concerns. An Bord Pleanála, Ireland’s national independent planning authority, rejected the proposed Cloghercor Wind Farm in County Donegal. The decision was made amidst fears that the wind turbines could harm nesting golden eagles, a species currently being reintroduced to the region.

The project, a collaboration between Danish renewable energy giant Ørsted and Irish developer FuturEnergy, aimed to provide enough electricity to power every home in County Donegal. Additionally, it was projected to significantly contribute to Ireland’s climate goals by reducing carbon emissions by up to 127,000 tonnes annually.

Ørsted and FuturEnergy expressed their disappointment with the decision, highlighting their extensive efforts since 2021 to engage with the local community and stakeholders. The developers emphasized their commitment to creating a responsible and environmentally respectful project, incorporating habitat management and biodiversity plans into their proposal.

In response to the refusal, the project team plans to review the decision and consider potential next steps for the future of the Cloghercor Wind Farm.

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