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Skyborn Sweden Submits Permit Application for 3,000 MW Polargrund Offshore Wind Farm

Skyborn Sweden has submitted a permit application for the construction of the Polargrund Offshore wind farm, a major renewable energy project located 35 kilometers off the coast, south of Kalix and Haparanda. This 3,000 MW wind farm is expected to significantly boost green energy production in the Norrbotten region, generating up to 10 TWh of electricity annually or producing 200,000 tons of green hydrogen.

The Polargrund Offshore project is a crucial initiative for the green growth of Norrbotten, aiming to support the rapidly increasing energy demands of the region’s expanding industries. Projections indicate that the power needs in Norrbotten could surge by up to 800% as industries transition to cleaner operations. Upon completion, the wind farm will contribute over seven percent of Sweden’s current electricity consumption, playing a vital role in the country’s push towards net-zero emissions.

Polargrund offshore wind farm Visualization

“Polargrund Offshore is a key project for realizing the business sector’s expansive development plans in Norrbotten and enabling Sweden’s move towards net-zero emissions. As the developer of Sweden’s northernmost offshore wind farm, we are committed to overcoming the unique challenges of constructing such a large-scale project in an arctic environment,” said Niclas Broman, CEO of Skyborn Sweden.

Skyborn’s commitment to a sustainable Swedish energy system is evident, with the company’s portfolio now including four offshore wind farms capable of producing approximately 40 TWh annually. This initiative aligns with Sweden’s broader goals to double its electricity production in the coming decades, driven largely by the electrification of heavy industries.

The permit application, submitted to the Swedish government and Land and Environment Court, is in accordance with the Environmental Code and laws governing Sweden’s economic zone.

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